, wtorek 9 lipca 2024
Judasz przejdzie mimo gróźb
Słomiany Judosz przemierza Skoczów co roku w Wielki Piątek i Wielką Sobotę. fot: Wojciech Trzcionka

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Judasz przejdzie mimo gróźb

Judasz przejdzie mimo gróźb

— Robimy swoje, a jeżeli ktoś czuje się obrażony, to niech idzie do sądu — tłumaczy Gazeciecodziennej.pl Robert Orawski. fot. Wojciech Trzcionka

Liga Polskich Rodzin żądała delegalizacji obrzędu chodzenia z Judaszem w Skoczowie. Organizatorzy pochodu nie przestraszyli się i w tym roku znowu przejdą z kukłą a potem spalą ją.
Pomysł zakazania organizacji dorocznego pochodu zrodził się przed rokiem. — To pogański zwyczaj, który razi chrześcijan i kłóci się z wiarą katolików oraz ewangelików. Obrzęd odbywa się w czasie, gdy wielu wiernych siedzi w skupieniu w kościołach i modli się (na przykład dla ewangelików Wielki Piątek to największe święto), a tu ludzie maszerują i hałasują. Poza tym ludzie nie są od sądzenia Judosza tylko Bóg — przekonywała Maria Nowak, szefowa LPR w gminie Skoczów. Tadeusz Malejka, były członek Ligi dziś reprezentujący Trzeci Zakon Franciszkański poszedł dalej: — Ten obrzęd to gusło i zabobon, a uczestniczenie w nim to grzech. Tak zresztą jak lanie wosku w Andrzejki czy topienie Marzanny w pierwszym dniu wiosny. Proboszczowie powinni ogłosić z ambony, że żaden katolik, który chce żyć zgodnie z przykazaniami, nie powinien uczestniczyć w tym nagannym pochodzie. Trzeba się w końcu za to wziąć. Jeżeli nie będzie delegalizacji Judosza, tego całego cyrku, to złożymy pozew w sądzie o naruszenie dóbr chrześcijan — przekonywał Tadeusz Malejka.

— Halloween i Walentynki LPR akceptuje, a tradycyjnie polskich zwyczajów chce się pozbyć. Jestem zdumiony, ręce opadają — nie mógł uwierzyć Robert Orawski, prezes Towarzystwa Miłośników Skoczowa, które od lat współorganizuje chodzenie z Judaszem. — To oczywiście zwyczaj wywodzący się z tradycji pogańskich, ale też element naszej kultury i nie ma nic wspólnego z religią. Może ktoś będzie na tyle bezmyślny, żeby chodzenia z Judoszem zabronić, ale ja nie zrezygnuję z propagowania tego zwyczaju.

Burmistrz Janina Żagan nie zgodziła się, aby zakazać organizacji dorocznego pochodu. TMS też nie przestraszyło się gróźb i w tym roku znowu zorganizuje chodzenie z Judaszem. — Na walnym zgromadzeniu stowarzyszenia zdecydowaliśmy, że nie wolno robić uników. Robimy swoje, a jeżeli ktoś czuje się obrażony, to niech idzie do sądu — tłumaczy Gazeciecodziennej.pl Orawski.

Skoczowski Judasz albo Judosz, jak mawiają miejscowi, to słomiana kukła wysoka na trzy metry, ozdobiona kolorowymi wstążkami i naszyjnikiem z 30 srebrnikami. W środku znajduje się młody strażak, którego po bokach prowadzą halabardnicy. On sam nic nie widzi, gdyż głowę, aż po ramiona, ma przykrytą wysoką słomianą czapą. Za nimi podążają turyści, mieszkańcy oraz dziesiątki dzieci z klekotkami bez przerwy skandując „kle, kle, kle”. Judosz przemierza miasto w Wielki Piątek i Wielką Sobotę. Dokładnie w południe wychodzi ze strażnicy i idzie pod Ratusz aby pokłonić się władzom w magistracie. Potem podąża ul. Bielską, skręca ku kościołowi i zatrzymuje się przed plebanią. Pochyla się przed nią składając w ten sposób uszanowanie proboszczowi. Stamtąd ul. Kościelną dochodzi do Rynku i wraca do parku za strażnicą, gdzie przy dźwięku klekotek jest uroczyście palony. Podobno wraz z nim ginie zło, które mogłoby szkodzić miastu i jego mieszkańcom. Klekotki zaś, wyganiają je z ulic i domów oraz symbolizują trzęsienie ziemi, jakie wystąpiło na Golgocie, gdy Chrystus umierał na krzyżu. Zwyczaj chodzenia z Judaszem ma długą tradycję i najprawdopodobniej sięga średniowiecza. O podobnym zwyczaju wspomina w swoich dziennikach Jan Tilgner (1574-1635), burgrabia na skoczowskim zamku. Obrzęd przetrwał w Skoczowie do okupacji. Po wojnie reaktywowano go dopiero w 1981 roku. Dziś kultywują go Ochotnicza Straż Pożarna i Towarzystwo Miłośników Skoczowa.
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1 2 step dance video 1 2 step dances 1 4 break dance vol 1 4 impedance ratio rf transformer 1 academy dance stage 1 album blue dance deep no 1 bbc dance radio 1 break dance 1 break dance dees 1 can dance season so think 1 can dance season think 1 can dance so think 1 chapter counseling guidance introduction 1 dance dance play revolution station 1 dance hits 1 dance lap virtual 1 dance radio 1 fm dance hits 1.fm dance here hit music start 1.fm dance hit 10 break dance easy move 10 cents a dance 10 club dance top 10 country dance lesson step 10 dance disco new top 10 dance much music top 10 dance olds type year 10 dance song top 10 dancehall music penthouse reggae vol 10 dancehall song top 10 dancer date reason 10 dancer date reason top 10 dancer eva perfect pic 10 dancer perfect 10 dancer perfect stacia 10 dfn impedance thermal 10 easy breakdance moves 10 impedance input megaohm 10 reason to date a dancer 10 reasons to date a dancer

100 1989 dance song top 100 1990 1999 dance tio track 100 2005 chart dance hot 100 2005 dance radio song top 100 2005 dance song top 100 2006 dance song top 100 80s dance song top 100 album dance pure 100 attendance time web 100 best dance song 100 best dance songs 100 best dance songs ever 100 club dance song top 100 dance cd 100 dance greatest song 100 dance greatest song vh1 100 dance hit top 100 dance hits 100 dance music top 100 dance remix top 100 dance song 100 dance song top 100 dance songs 100 greatest dance hits 100 greatest dance song 100 greatest dance songs 100 pure dance 1000 dance land 1000 dance land lyric 1000 dance land pickett wilson 101 abundance training 10th annual cheer dance spirit festival 11 dance shoes size woman 11 year old hip hop dancers 1101 book english sundance 112 code dance music video 112 dance download 112 dance lyric 112 dance lyrics 112 dance me video

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112 dance wit 112 dance wit me 112 dance wit me lyrics 112 dance with me 112 dance with me album 112 dance with me download 112 dance with me listen 112 dance with me lyric 112 dance with me lyrics 112 dance with me mp3 112 dance with me mp3 download 112 dance with me remix 112 dance with me remix lyrics 112 dance with me video 112 dance with melyrics 112 lyrics dance with me 112 lyrics dance with me remix 112dance with me lyrics 11th album dance di future it 12 80s dance 12 creative dance k lesson 12 dance haydn minuets 12 dance laser ocean 123abundance.com map.html site 13 going on 30 thriller dance 130th kentucky derby attendance 131 attendance derby kentucky 14 dance fever line 14 dancer degas little 14 dancer gold karat 14 dancer little sculptor years 14 dancer little years 14 year old dancer 15n abundance aniline attach based 16 birthday lapdance 16 brahms dance hungarian no 16th century dance 16th century dance ane 16th century dance music 16th century dance stately

indian shores florida information systems managers miami florida fl injection mold seminars in florida injury attorneys central florida injury attorneys florida injury lawyers florida interior design jacksonville florida fl international mall tampa florida international truck parts in florida inverness florida investment property orlando florida ipg florida vacation homes ironman florida irving m levin florida isla del sol florida islamorada florida island sands condo florida jack millman florida jackson county florida jail docket jackson county florida jacksonville apartments florida jacksonville beach florida jacksonville florida airport jacksonville florida apartments jacksonville florida escorts jacksonville florida events jacksonville florida florists jacksonville florida history jacksonville florida homes for rent jacksonville florida hospitals jacksonville florida inground pools jacksonville florida job fair jacksonville florida jobs jacksonville florida newspaper jacksonville florida newspapers jacksonville florida obituaries jacksonville florida oceanfront real estate jacksonville florida public library jacksonville florida real estate jacksonville florida recreation

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1920 dance picture 1920 dance pictures 1920 music and dance 1920s dance marathons 1920s dance steps 1920s jitterbug dance 1920s 1930s band dance 1920s 1930s dance entertainment music 1920s band dance 1920s charleston dance 1920s club dance 1920s craze dance 1920s dance and music 1920s dance club 1920s dance clubs 1920s dance craze 1920s dance crazes 1920s dance from 1920s dance history 1920s dance in 1920s dance in marathon 1920s dance in music 1920s dance in popular 1920s dance instructions 1920s dance jazz 1920s dance lindy hop 1920s dance marathon 1920s dance marathons 1920s dance move 1920s dance moves 1920s dance music 1920s dance popular 1920s dance steps 1920s dance style 1920s dance styles 1920s dances charleston 1920s jazz dance 1920s jazz dancers 1920s jazz dances 1920s music and dance

1930s dance history 1930s dance marathon 1930s dance marathons 1930s dance moves 1930s dance music 1930s dance steps 1930s dance style 1930s dance styles 1937 dance shall we 1940 1945 dance swing 1940s jitterbug dance 1940s swing dance 1940s actress and dancer 1940s actress dancer 1940s dance clothes 1940s dance costumes 1940s dance dresses 1940s dance moves 1940s dance music 1940s dance photos 1940s dance pictures 1940s dance steps 1940s jitterbug dance 1940s swing dance 1948 war of independance 1950 angeles dance los show 1950 dance moves 1950 dance music 1950 dance poster swing 1950 dance steps 1950 dance styles 1950 swing dance poster 1950 world cup final attendance 1950s dance moves 1950s dance crazes 1950s dance dresses 1950s dance move 1950s dance moves 1950s dance music 1950s dance pictures

1950s dance steps 1950s dance steps stroll 1950s dance styles 1950s style of dance 1955 dance hall irish manchester 1959 1962 craze dance 1960 dance craze 1960 dance fan club 1960 dance moves 1960 dance styles 1960 go go dancer 1960s go go dancer 1960s go go dancers 1960s bella dance 1960s craze dance learn line 1960s dance and music 1960s dance craze 1960s dance crazes 1960s dance fan club 1960s dance fan clubs 1960s dance moves 1960s dance music 1960s dance nova 1960s dance rock roll steps 1960s dance styles 1960s dancer go go 1960s go go dancer 1960s go go dancers 1970s costume dance 1970s dance fashion 1970s dance fi sci subject 1970s dance history 1970s dance move 1970s dance moves 1970s dance music 1970s dance name 1970s dance steps 1974 plymouth satellite sundance 1979 82 anthem biggest dancehall 1980s dance hit

florida prison florida prisons florida private investigator florida private investigators florida probate forms florida probate law florida probate florida process server florida product approval florida product liability attorney florida product liability attorneys florida product liability lawyer florida product liability lawyers florida property appraiser florida property appraisers florida property disclosure statement florida property tax proposal florida property tax reform florida public utilities florida puppies for sale florida puppies florida quit claim deed form florida quit claim deed instructions florida quit claim deed florida radar florida radiance florida ranch style homes florida ranks florida real estate boca raton florida real estate license florida realtor florida realtors florida recycler florida red tide florida refinance lender florida relocation services florida relocation specialist florida renaissance festival florida rental resorts florida renter law

1980s dance hits 1980s dance in 1980s dance moves 1980s dance movies 1980s dance music 1980s dance song 1980s dance songs 1980s dance steps 1981 attendance mariners seattle 1982 dance black 1982 dance craze 1982 dance crazes 1982 dance move 1982 dance moves 1982 dance music 1982 dance style 1982 dance styles 1983 searay sundancer 1985 270 searay sundancer 1986 sea ray 268 sundancer 1986 sea ray sundancer 1987 dance music hits 1987 performance plymouth sundance tuning 1987 plymouth sundance 1988 plymouth sundance 1988 plymouth sundance parts 1988 searay sundancer 1989 plymouth sundance 1989 plymouth sundance liftback 4d 1989 sea ray sundancer 1990 dance song 1990 dance songs 1990 plymouth sundance 1990 plymouth sundance picture 1990s dance hits 1990s dance music 1990s dance cd 1990s dance hit 1990s dance hits 1990s dance mix

1990s dance moves 1990s dance movies 1990s dance music 1990s dance music charts 1990s dance party 1990s dance song 1990s dance songs 1990s dance tunes 1991 diagram plymouth sundance timing 1991 plymouth sundance 1991 plymouth sundance specs 1992 plymouth sundance 1992 plymouth sundance alternator belt 1992 plymouth sundance headlight bulb replacement 1992 plymouth sundance troubleshooting problems 1993 best dance hit mix 1993 duster plymouth sundance 1993 plymouth sundance 1993 plymouth sundance duster 1993 plymouth sundance pics 1993 plymouth sundance picture 1994 duster plymouth sundance 1994 pic plymouth sundance 1994 plymouth sundance 1994 plymouth sundance duster 1994 plymouth sundance picture 1995 dance girl 1996 256kbps buble dance first michael 1996 270 searay sundancer 1996 cd dance house mix mouse 1997 dance hit 1997 dance hits 1997 dance party ultimate 1997 plymouth sundance 1998 310 ray sea sundancer 1998 310 sea ray sundancer 19th century dance music on cd 19th century theater dance 19th century theater music dance 19th century theatre dance

19th century theatre music dance 1lasang guidance lahat sila ur 1st annual big bounce dance competition 1st attendance case doe review 1st dance place 1st dance song 1st dance song wedding 1st dance songs 1st dance songs for weddings 1st dance wedding song 1st dance wedding songs 1x10 2005 dance doctor doctor who 1xtra bbc dancehall 2 back business dancehall firestorm 2 beat dance 2 belly dancer 2 brahms dance hungarian no 2 bratz dance mat 2 break dance 2 break dance electro volume 2 breakdown dance dance max revolution 2 bundle dance dance extreme revolution 2 can dance dancer so think 2 can dance picture so think 2 can dance season so think 2 can dance so think 2 center dependance hotel rome 2 cheat dance dance extreme revolution 2 chicken dance download mp3 2 code dance dance extreme revolution 2 country dance step 2 dance dance ddr max revolution 2 dance dance extreme game revolution 2 dance dance extreme music revolution 2 dance dance extreme ps2 revolution 2 dance dance extreme revolution 2 dance dance extreme revolution song 2 dance dance extreme revolution songlist 2 dance dance max revolution 2 dance dance play revolution station

2 dance dance revolution 2 dance dance revolution ddr 2 dance dance revolution ultramix 2 dance dancing dirty like this 2 dance darrins groove 2 dance ddr extreme pad ps2 2 dance dirty 2 dance download ejay free 2 dance dvd last save 2 dance exotic in indian office 2 dance extreme revolution 2 dance game play station 2 dance girl 2 dance hamster 2 dance i love 2 dance i love myspace.com site 2 dance instruction step texas 2 dance konami pad ps2 revolution 2 dance last part save 2 dance last save 2 dance last save steppin up 2 dance last save stepping up 2 dance love 2 dance love myspace.com site 2 dance love ola 2 dance mat play station 2 dance numa numa 2 dance off play station 2 dance pad revolution 2 dance piece wear 2 dance play revolution station 2 dance star 2 dance trance 2 dance tribal unlimited 2 faced dance company 2 live crew dancer 2 live crew dancers 2 ohm impedance bass amp heads 2 players dance dance revolution 2 step dance

2 step dance hip hop 2 step dance instruction 2 step dance instructions 2 step dance lessons 2 step dance move 2 step dance moves 2 step dance music 2 step dance steps 2 step dance video 2 step hardcore dance 2 stepping dance 2 unlimited tribal dance 2 unlimited tribal dance lyrics 2 unlimited tribal dance mp3 2.0 dance ignition pad 20 538 dance hit smash summer 20 chart dance top 20 dance music top 20 dance song top 2000 al dance ritmo 2000 dance hit 2000 dance hits 2000 dance music 2001 260 ny sale sundancer 2001 attendance league rugby 2001 cochise dance line 2001 cochise line dance 2002 538 autumn dance hit smash 2002 anthem biggest dancehall ragga 2002 dancehall queen contest 2002 sundance spa 2003 cd dance song 2003 dance lhs 2003 kentucky derby attendance 2004 2005 championship cheer danceathletic 2004 automatica decadance head 2004 break dance filmiki o 2004 break dance filmiki o pl 2004 chicago auto show attendance 2004 college football attendance

2004 dance deep va vol3 2004 dance dinner 2004 dance its like party 2004 dance movie music 2004 dance recital 2004 dance table 2004 dancehall queen 2004 kentucky derby attendance 2004 ncaa football attendance 2004 nfl attendance 2004 sea ray 320 sundancer 2004 uvsc ballroom dance australia tour 2005 2006 attendance nhl 2005 2006 championship cheer danceathletic 2005 2006 coiffure tendance 2005 200611 championship cheer danceathletic providence 2005 200616 championship cheer danceathletic destin 2005 2cd best dance va 2005 8 dance maximum v.a vol 2005 advance confession dancefloor ind.rar madonna 2005 attendance canada church 2005 attendance chicago festival film international 2005 attendance cinema uk 2005 attendance concert jazz total 2005 attendance derby kentucky 2005 attendance mlb 2005 attendance nfl 2005 attendance summerslam wwe 2005 automne coiffure tendance 2005 best dance music 2005 best dance song 2005 best dance songs 2005 break dance 2005 burning dancehall fire sizzla 2005 camp dance summer 2005 camp dance uda 2005 can dance dead 2005 can dance dead tour 2005 can dance so think 2005 can dance so think winner

2005 chart dance greece in summer 2005 chart dancehall 2005 cheer dance uaap 2005 cheerdance uaap 2005 clip dance tap 2005 club dance music top 2005 copa copacabana dance mix 2005 dance competition 2005 dance competitions 2005 dance costume catalog 2005 dance domain mp3 mp3.com new 2005 dance festival oriental video 2005 dance festival star super world 2005 dance fg floor summer 2005 dance hall jam jam original 2005 dance halloween party 2005 dance halloween picture 2005 dance hit 2005 dance hit top 2005 dance hits 2005 dance house winter 2005 dance ireland irish result 2005 dance irish national 2005 dance its like party 2005 dance lion video 2005 dance mix 2005 dance morongo pow result wow 2005 dance music 2005 dance music charts 2005 dance music top 2005 dance party 2005 dance recital 2005 dance ring usna 2005 dance song 2005 dance song top 2005 dance songs 2005 dance suntec 2005 dance total 2005 dance valley 2005 dancefloor fg summer

2005 dancehall albums 2005 dancehall charts 2005 dancehall jamaica queen 2005 dancehall music 2005 dancehall queen 2005 dancehall reggae 2005 dancehall riddim 2005 dancehall riddims 2005 dancehall song 2005 dancehall songs 2005 dancer exotic fair fan 2005 dancer shadow 2005 dancer shadow the 2005 easy festival film street sundance 2005 festival film sundance 2005 festival film sundance winner 2005 festival sundance 2005 film sundance 2005 hip hop dance 2005 irish dance national 2005 irish dance nationals 2005 kickoff classic utah dance competition 2005 lion dance genting 2005 los angeles auto show attendance 2005 minor league baseball attendance 2005 sundance film festival 2005 sundance film festival award winners 2005 sundance film festival awards 2005 sundance film festival photos 2005 sundance film festival pics 2005 sundance film festival pictures 2005 sundance film festival results 2005 sundance film festival reviews 2005 sundance film festival schedule 2005 sundance film festival winner 2005 sundance film festival winners 2006 40 chart eurodance top 2006 50 dance spirit studio 2006 absolute body dance move summer 2006 abundance law moon new

2006 cd dance much 2006 championship cheer college dance nca 2006 championship dance ireland result 2006 championship dance irish photo world 2006 championship dance irish result world 2006 championship dance irish world 2006 championship dance national team 2006 chart dance 2006 chart dance may music 2006 chart dancehall 2006 chart dancehall jamaica 2006 cheveux tendance 2006 chicago summerdance 2006 club dance music 2006 club dance music top 2006 cno guidance 2006 coiffure tendance 2006 coiffures tendances 2006 conference dance in liturgical 2006 conference dance praise 2006 contest dance remix 2006 costume dance 2006 cruise dance line 2006 cultural dance event in usa 2006 dance competition 2006 dance daughter father 2006 dance download free from music 2006 dance festival folk international 2006 dance festival global 2006 dance festival international song 2006 dance festival lds 2006 dance festival northeast ohio 2006 dance fever strictly 2006 dance filipino hip hop usa 2006 dance firecrackers lion 2006 dance first song wedding 2006 dance flurry 2006 dance hall 2006 dance hit in music uk 2006 dance hit summer

let the little girl dance billy bland let the little girl dance billy bland let the little girl dance lyrics let us dance let us dance for you let us dance lyrics let us dance movie let us dance to forget lets dance lets dance - chris rea lets dance again lets dance barbie doll lets dance in style lets dance for a while lets dance lyrics lets dance salsa lets dance song lets dance studio lets dance the last dance lets dance tonight lets face the music and dance lets face the music and dance lyrics lets go out and dance lets make love and dance the night lets make love and dance the night away lets make love and dance the night away lyrics lets see you dance letdance lets dance lets dance again lets dance bowie lets dance bowie lyrics lets dance bowie tab lets dance cedar rapids lets dance cedar rapids ia lets dance cedar rapids iowa lets dance chris rea lets dance david bowie lets dance david bowie album lets dance david bowie lyrics lets dance david bowie mp3

2006 dance hit top 2006 dance i remix somebody wanna 2006 dance indiana liturgical praise workshop 2006 dance intensive summer 2006 dance intensives summer 2006 dance irish national 2006 dance its like party 2006 dance last save 2006 dance line lyric thon 2006 dance line thon 2006 dance lion 2006 dance lion new york 2006 dance lyrical 2006 dance marathon 2006 dance marathon penn state 2006 dance ministry nation sound 2006 dance mix much music 2006 dance much 2006 dance much music 2006 dance music 2006 dance now 2006 dance nyc workshop 2006 dance party 2006 dance photo recital 2006 dance picture reno sensation 2006 dance power solar team 2006 dance remix 2006 dance soho studio 2006 dance song 2006 dance song top 2006 dance summer workshop 2006 dance sweetheart 2006 dance valentine 2006 dance valley 2006 dance vision 2006 dance wolf 2006 dancehall hit reggae 2006 dancehall mix 2006 dancehall music 2006 dancehall music reggae

2006 dancehall new riddims 2006 dancehall over reggae video web 2006 dancehall queen 2006 dancehall reggae 2006 dancehall reggae riddims 2006 dancehall riddim 2006 dancehall riddims 2006 dancehall song 2006 death film sundance 2006 festival film photo sundance 2006 festival film picture sundance 2006 festival film sundance 2006 festival film sundance winner 2006 new york mets attendance 2006 sundance film festival 2006.com dance festival 2006.html bracket dance feature nba.com 2007 dance last save 2007 date festival film sundance 2007 festival film sundance 2055 dance jamboree line texas 20s dance moves 20s dance music 20s dance roaring 20s dance steps 20s dance styles 20th annual dance festival jazz tap 21 age club dance under 21 chicago club dance under 21 club dance new under 21 club dance teen under 21 club dance under 21 club dance upn 21 dance club 21.00 dance slow sunday traxx 22 april dance party toronto 22 dancer moon 22hip belly dance instructional phylosophy video22 24 7 dance studio 24 7 dancer female

24 dancehall reggae rondon selector vol 240 ray sea sundancer 245 searay sundancer 26 sea ray sundancer 260 ray review sea sundancer 260 ray sea sundancer 260 sundancer review 270 boat searay sundancer used 270 ray sea sundancer 270 sale searay sundancer 27483 hansgrohe raindance 27t cat dance don 280 ray sea sundancer 280 sea ray sundancer 29 abundance chinese day january 29 abundance day january 29 dance dream vol 2b 2b dance memphis shoes tn 2d impedance calculator pcb 2xs dance portugal 3 band dance making song 3 chapter concordance hebrew niv 3 cheat dance dance revolution ultramix 3 cinco dance dance el 3 concordance deuteronomy in strongs 3 craze dance starstruck 3 dance dance extreme revolution 3 dance dance revolution 3 dance dance revolution ultramix 3 dance download ejay free 3 dance fiesta no symphonic 3 dance girl 3 dance highspeed megamix mtm vol 3 girls give eachother lap dances 3 girls lapdance 3.jpg dancer nature 30 club dance old over years 30 generator kw sundance 300 impedance micro ohms speaker 30s dance find music romanian

31st anglo harrow indiandance new yearsin 344 dance centre 344 dance centre bristol 35 abundance chlorine percent 360 box dance dance revolution x 360 box dance pad x 360 dance mat 360 dance pad 360 dance party 360 dance show tv 365 attendance day 38 dance dream 38 dance dream vol 39 cat dance don t 39 child dance lesson s 39 dance jane last mary s 39 dance let s 39 dance s single 3d dancer dowloads 3d desktop dancer 3d desktop dancers 3d gogo dancer 3f dance shall we 3gp break dance download video 3rd army ordance tank 3rd dance dance download mix revolution 3rd dance dance j mix revolution 3rd dance name street 3rd dance street 3rd dance street studio 3rd street dance 3rd street dance beverly hills 3rd street dance los angeles 3rd street dance studio 3rd street dance studio los angeles 4 b5 dance u 4 b5 dance video 4 b5s dance listen song 4 dance dance revolution ultramix video 4 dance deep vol

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