, piątek 5 lipca 2024
Judasz przejdzie mimo gróźb
Słomiany Judosz przemierza Skoczów co roku w Wielki Piątek i Wielką Sobotę. fot: Wojciech Trzcionka

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Judasz przejdzie mimo gróźb

Judasz przejdzie mimo gróźb

— Robimy swoje, a jeżeli ktoś czuje się obrażony, to niech idzie do sądu — tłumaczy Gazeciecodziennej.pl Robert Orawski. fot. Wojciech Trzcionka

Liga Polskich Rodzin żądała delegalizacji obrzędu chodzenia z Judaszem w Skoczowie. Organizatorzy pochodu nie przestraszyli się i w tym roku znowu przejdą z kukłą a potem spalą ją.
Pomysł zakazania organizacji dorocznego pochodu zrodził się przed rokiem. — To pogański zwyczaj, który razi chrześcijan i kłóci się z wiarą katolików oraz ewangelików. Obrzęd odbywa się w czasie, gdy wielu wiernych siedzi w skupieniu w kościołach i modli się (na przykład dla ewangelików Wielki Piątek to największe święto), a tu ludzie maszerują i hałasują. Poza tym ludzie nie są od sądzenia Judosza tylko Bóg — przekonywała Maria Nowak, szefowa LPR w gminie Skoczów. Tadeusz Malejka, były członek Ligi dziś reprezentujący Trzeci Zakon Franciszkański poszedł dalej: — Ten obrzęd to gusło i zabobon, a uczestniczenie w nim to grzech. Tak zresztą jak lanie wosku w Andrzejki czy topienie Marzanny w pierwszym dniu wiosny. Proboszczowie powinni ogłosić z ambony, że żaden katolik, który chce żyć zgodnie z przykazaniami, nie powinien uczestniczyć w tym nagannym pochodzie. Trzeba się w końcu za to wziąć. Jeżeli nie będzie delegalizacji Judosza, tego całego cyrku, to złożymy pozew w sądzie o naruszenie dóbr chrześcijan — przekonywał Tadeusz Malejka.

— Halloween i Walentynki LPR akceptuje, a tradycyjnie polskich zwyczajów chce się pozbyć. Jestem zdumiony, ręce opadają — nie mógł uwierzyć Robert Orawski, prezes Towarzystwa Miłośników Skoczowa, które od lat współorganizuje chodzenie z Judaszem. — To oczywiście zwyczaj wywodzący się z tradycji pogańskich, ale też element naszej kultury i nie ma nic wspólnego z religią. Może ktoś będzie na tyle bezmyślny, żeby chodzenia z Judoszem zabronić, ale ja nie zrezygnuję z propagowania tego zwyczaju.

Burmistrz Janina Żagan nie zgodziła się, aby zakazać organizacji dorocznego pochodu. TMS też nie przestraszyło się gróźb i w tym roku znowu zorganizuje chodzenie z Judaszem. — Na walnym zgromadzeniu stowarzyszenia zdecydowaliśmy, że nie wolno robić uników. Robimy swoje, a jeżeli ktoś czuje się obrażony, to niech idzie do sądu — tłumaczy Gazeciecodziennej.pl Orawski.

Skoczowski Judasz albo Judosz, jak mawiają miejscowi, to słomiana kukła wysoka na trzy metry, ozdobiona kolorowymi wstążkami i naszyjnikiem z 30 srebrnikami. W środku znajduje się młody strażak, którego po bokach prowadzą halabardnicy. On sam nic nie widzi, gdyż głowę, aż po ramiona, ma przykrytą wysoką słomianą czapą. Za nimi podążają turyści, mieszkańcy oraz dziesiątki dzieci z klekotkami bez przerwy skandując „kle, kle, kle”. Judosz przemierza miasto w Wielki Piątek i Wielką Sobotę. Dokładnie w południe wychodzi ze strażnicy i idzie pod Ratusz aby pokłonić się władzom w magistracie. Potem podąża ul. Bielską, skręca ku kościołowi i zatrzymuje się przed plebanią. Pochyla się przed nią składając w ten sposób uszanowanie proboszczowi. Stamtąd ul. Kościelną dochodzi do Rynku i wraca do parku za strażnicą, gdzie przy dźwięku klekotek jest uroczyście palony. Podobno wraz z nim ginie zło, które mogłoby szkodzić miastu i jego mieszkańcom. Klekotki zaś, wyganiają je z ulic i domów oraz symbolizują trzęsienie ziemi, jakie wystąpiło na Golgocie, gdy Chrystus umierał na krzyżu. Zwyczaj chodzenia z Judaszem ma długą tradycję i najprawdopodobniej sięga średniowiecza. O podobnym zwyczaju wspomina w swoich dziennikach Jan Tilgner (1574-1635), burgrabia na skoczowskim zamku. Obrzęd przetrwał w Skoczowie do okupacji. Po wojnie reaktywowano go dopiero w 1981 roku. Dziś kultywują go Ochotnicza Straż Pożarna i Towarzystwo Miłośników Skoczowa.
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dolce gabbana clothing doll clothing patterns doll clothing dominatrix clothing donating used clothing doncaster clothing donzi clothing dots clothing store dots clothing dr seuss clothing drag queen clothing dragon clothing dragonfly clothing dress barn clothing store dressage clothing dub brand clothing ducati clothing ducati new clothing range 08 duct tape clothing east indian clothing easyrider clothing ebay pioneer clothing echo clothing ecko clothing line ecko clothing eclectic clothing eco friendly clothing economy teenrens clothing hangers ed hardy clothing eddie bauer clothing edwardian clothing egyptian clothing egyptian cotton clothing eileen fisher clothing ekco clothing elderly clothing electrical arc flash clothing elizabeth clothing elizabethan clothing style elizabethan clothing

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baldwin county al baldwin county alabama baldwin county board of education baldwin county correctional center baldwin county corrections baldwin county georgia senatorial archives baldwin county jail baldwin county schools baldwin county baldwinsville onondaga county cpa baldwinsville onondaga county fathers ballston saratoga county cpa ballston spa saratoga county cpa ballston spa saratoga county fathers baltimore county district court baltimore county gov baltimore county government baltimore county humane society baltimore county library baltimore county police department baltimore county police baltimore county public library baltimore county public schools baltimore county schools bandera county real estate bandera county texas bangor franklin county cpa bangor franklin county fathers bank of clarke county bank of lancaster county banks county georgia baptist church morgan county barker broome county cpa barker broome county teachers barker niagara county fathers barneveld oneida county cpa barneveld oneida county fathers barneveld oneida county teachers barnstable county fair barnstable county registry of deeds

colorado springs zip codes colorado spruce colorado starlites colorado state attorney general colorado state bar colorado state bird colorado state board of nursing colorado state classified jobs colorado state employees credit union colorado state employment colorado state facts colorado state flag colorado state flower colorado state laws for pharmacy technician colorado state library jobline colorado state patrol colorado state seal colorado state statutes colorado state tax forms colorado state tax colorado state taxes colorado state university football tickets colorado state university in fort collins colorado state university pueblo colorado state university tuition colorado statute limitations wages colorado statutes colorado stone colorado strip clubs colorado structured settlement annuity colorado summer rentals colorado summer vacation colorado supreme court colorado swingers colorado symphony orchestra colorado symphony colorado tattoo colorado tax forms colorado taxes colorado teaching jobs

barnstable county barre orleans county cpa barre orleans county teachers barren county kentucky barren county pva barren county schools barrington yates county cpa barrington yates county teachers barrow county ga barrow county georgia barrow county news barrow county newspaper barrow county schools barrow county barry county health department barry county michigan bartholomew county indiana barton tioga county cpa barton tioga county fathers bartow county ga bartow county georgia bartow county schools baseball pickens county jasper georgia ga bastrop county texas bastrop county batavia genesee county cpa batavia genesee county fathers batavia genesee county gifts batavia genesee county lawyers batavia genesee county realtors batavia genesee county teachers bates county mo homes bates county mo real estate bath county kentucky bath county virginia bath steuben county business bath steuben county cpa bath steuben county entrepreneurs bath steuben county fathers bath steuben county gifts

colorado technical university online colorado tick fever colorado tourism colorado towns colorado toyota dealers colorado trail map colorado trail colorado trailer sales colorado train rides colorado trains colorado traumatic brain injury attorneys colorado traumatic brain injury lawyers colorado traumatic brain injury colorado trees colorado trial lawyer colorado truck accident attorney colorado truck accident attorneys colorado truck accident lawyer colorado truck accident lawyers colorado truck accident colorado tummy tuck doctor colorado tummy tuck surgeon colorado tummy tucks colorado unemployment colorado universities colorado vacant land colorado vacation cabin colorado vacation guide colorado vacation home rental colorado vacation homes colorado vacation lodging colorado vacation rental colorado vacation rentals colorado vacations colorado vein treatment colorado veins colorado vinyl banners colorado vision correction colorado vision surgery colorado vital records

bath steuben county realtors binghamton broome county construction bath steuben county student bath steuben county teachers baxter county arkansas baxter estates nassau county cpa baxter estates nassau county fathers baxter estates nassau county teachers bay county clerk of court bay county jail bay county library bay county michigan bay county property appraiser bay county public records bayfield county wi bayfield county wisconsin bayfield county baylor county texas bayville nassau county cpa bayville nassau county fathers beacon dutchess county cpa beacon dutchess county fathers beacon dutchess county teachers beaufort county government beaufort county nc beaufort county north carolina tax collector beaufort county sc beaufort county school district beaufort county schools beaufort county south carolina beaufort county beaver county courthouse beaver county humane society beaver county pa beaver county times beaver county warriors beaver county beaver creek houston county water quality becker county public records directory becker county tribune

bath steuben county realtors binghamton broome county construction bath steuben county student bath steuben county teachers baxter county arkansas baxter estates nassau county cpa baxter estates nassau county fathers baxter estates nassau county teachers bay county clerk of court bay county jail bay county library bay county michigan bay county property appraiser bay county public records bayfield county wi bayfield county wisconsin bayfield county baylor county texas bayville nassau county cpa bayville nassau county fathers beacon dutchess county cpa beacon dutchess county fathers beacon dutchess county teachers beaufort county government beaufort county nc beaufort county north carolina tax collector beaufort county sc beaufort county school district beaufort county schools beaufort county south carolina beaufort county beaver county courthouse beaver county humane society beaver county pa beaver county times beaver county warriors beaver county beaver creek houston county water quality becker county public records directory becker county tribune

colorado water feature colorado water parks colorado waterfalls colorado wavefront colorado weather forecast colorado weather colorado web cams colorado webcams colorado webquest colorado wedding packages colorado wedding photography colorado weddings colorado weekend getaways colorado white pages colorado white water rafting colorado white water colorado whitewater rafting colorado whitewater colorado wildflower pungent colorado wildflowers colorado wildlife colorado wineries colorado winter vacation colorado wood gifts colorado workforce colorado wrongful death attorney colorado wrongful death attorneys colorado wrongful death lawyer colorado wrongful death lawyers colorado wrongful death colorado wrongful termination attorneys colorado wrongful termination lawyers colorado yaks jerseys colorado yaks soccer tshirts concerts in colorado concrete works of colorado conferences colorado conifer colorado conifer high school in colorado conservation easements colorado

becker county bed and breakfast lasalle county illinois bedford county fair bedford county pa farms for sale bedford county pa bedford county public schools bedford county schools bedford county va bedford county virginia bedford county bedford westchester county cpa bedfordshire county council bee county texas beekman dutchess county cpa beekman dutchess county teachers beekmantown clinton county cpa beekmantown clinton county teachers behavioral therapist oakland county belfast allegany county cpa bell county expo center bell county expo bell county kentucky bell county texas bell county tx belle terre suffolk county cpa belle terre suffolk county gifts bellerose nassau county cpa bellerose nassau county realtors bellerose nassau county teachers bellmont franklin county cpa bellport suffolk county cpa bellport suffolk county gifts bellport suffolk county teachers belmont allegany county cpa belmont allegany county teachers belmont county ohio beltrami county fair 2007 beltrami county bemus point chautauqua county cpa bemus point chautauqua county gifts

contract disputes colorado frisco colorado real estate contract lawyers colorado contract litigation colorado contract litigator colorado cooking class canon city colorado coors amphitheater colorado copper mountain colorado corporate attorney colorado corporate coaching colorado corporate disputes colorado corporate litigator colorado cortez colorado real estate cortez colorado cosmetic dentist colorado cosmetic dentistry colorado cosmetic surgeon colorado cosmetic surgery colorado counties in colorado couple massages in colorado craigs list colorado craig colorado craiglist colorado craigs list colorado craigs list denver colorado craigslist colorado craigslist fort collins colorado creede colorado real estate creede colorado crested butte colorado crestone colorado cripple creek colorado cub scout bylaws colorado cuchara colorado custom home builder colorado springs custom home builder colorado customer sales service training colorado dan potter colorado daniel motors inc colorado springs co dating sites in colorado

bemus point chautauqua county teachers bennington wyoming county cpa bennington wyoming county realtors bennington wyoming county teachers benson hamilton county cpa benson hamilton county gifts benson hamilton county teachers benton county arkansas benton county assessor benton county criminal justice tax benton county daily record benton county fair benton county homes for sale benton county iowa benton county jail benton county oregon benton county school of the arts benton county wa benton county washington benton county benton franklin county fair benton yates county cpa benton yates county fathers benton yates county teachers benzie county michigan bergen county animal shelter bergen county breast augmentation bergen county breast surgeon bergen county breast surgery bergen county cosmetic surgeon bergen county face lift bergen county homes bergen county laser hair removal bergen county laser surgery bergen county library bergen county new jersey bergen county nj real estate bergen county nj soccer bergen county nj bergen county plastic surgeon

bemus point chautauqua county teachers bennington wyoming county cpa bennington wyoming county realtors bennington wyoming county teachers benson hamilton county cpa benson hamilton county gifts benson hamilton county teachers benton county arkansas benton county assessor benton county criminal justice tax benton county daily record benton county fair benton county homes for sale benton county iowa benton county jail benton county oregon benton county school of the arts benton county wa benton county washington benton county benton franklin county fair benton yates county cpa benton yates county fathers benton yates county teachers benzie county michigan bergen county animal shelter bergen county breast augmentation bergen county breast surgeon bergen county breast surgery bergen county cosmetic surgeon bergen county face lift bergen county homes bergen county laser hair removal bergen county laser surgery bergen county library bergen county new jersey bergen county nj real estate bergen county nj soccer bergen county nj bergen county plastic surgeon

dave diener in colorado dave diener in ft collins colorado david brown pueblo colorado dealerships colorado deckers colorado delores colorado delta colorado dental bonding colorado dental bridges colorado dental crowns colorado dental implants colorado dental inlays colorado dental procedures colorado dental sealants colorado dental services colorado dental veneers colorado dentist colorado dentistry colorado dentures colorado denver colorado airport denver colorado christian abuse therapy denver colorado christian family abuse therapists denver colorado ford dealers denver colorado homes for sale denver colorado homes denver colorado hospitals denver colorado newspaper denver colorado newspapers denver colorado real estate agent denver colorado relocation denver colorado weather denver colorado zip code denver colorado zip codes denver county colorado department of revenue colorado desert sage woman colorado dick gilbert colorado cams differential colorado dillon colorado lodging dillon colorado

bergen county real estate bergen county skin care bergen county vein treatment bergen county bergen genesee county business bergen genesee county cpa bergen genesee county gifts bergen genesee county realtors bergen genesee county student bergen genesee county teachers berkeley county government berkeley county sc berkeley county school district berkeley county schools wv berkeley county schools berkeley county south carolina berkeley county wv berks county adult baseball berks county courthouse berks county humane society berks county intermediate unit berks county jobs berks county pa berks county pennsylvania berks county prison berks county real estate berks county berks inter county youth football league berkshire county sex offenders berkshire tioga county business berkshire tioga county cpa berkshire tioga county gifts berkshire tioga county teachers berlin rensselaer county cpa berlin rensselaer county realtors berlin rensselaer county teachers bernalillo county detention center bernalillo county metropolitan court bernalillo county berne albany county cpa

bergen county real estate bergen county skin care bergen county vein treatment bergen county bergen genesee county business bergen genesee county cpa bergen genesee county gifts bergen genesee county realtors bergen genesee county student bergen genesee county teachers berkeley county government berkeley county sc berkeley county school district berkeley county schools wv berkeley county schools berkeley county south carolina berkeley county wv berks county adult baseball berks county courthouse berks county humane society berks county intermediate unit berks county jobs berks county pa berks county pennsylvania berks county prison berks county real estate berks county berks inter county youth football league berkshire county sex offenders berkshire tioga county business berkshire tioga county cpa berkshire tioga county gifts berkshire tioga county teachers berlin rensselaer county cpa berlin rensselaer county realtors berlin rensselaer county teachers bernalillo county detention center bernalillo county metropolitan court bernalillo county berne albany county cpa

Regards and best wishes, step brothers sweet o mine, [url="http://trolls.900megs.com/stepbrot99/step-brothers-sweet--o-mine.html"]step brothers sweet o mine[/url], http://trolls.900megs.com/stepbrot99/step-brothers-sweet--o-mine.html step brothers sweet o mine, 847580,

dinosaur colorado direct sales consultant colorado direct sales training colorado dirt bike riding places in colorado divide colorado dmv colorado dodge caravan colorado dodge colorado dodge dakota colorado dodge durango colorado dodge grand caravan colorado dodge ram colorado dog breeders in colorado dog sledding in colorado doggie day care boulder colorado dolores colorado domest violence lawyer colorado dora colorado douglas county colorado library douglas county colorado douglas county library colorado douglas county school district colorado douglas county schools colorado dow colorado dr horton for sale parker colorado dr james cover pueblo colorado drug bust otero county colorado dude ranch colorado dui colorado durango colorado newspaper durango colorado real estate durango colorado rv camping durango colorado dvd duplication colorado dvd production colorado eagle colorado eagle county colorado earnest money disputes colorado edward buckley colorado springs edwards colorado

dinosaur colorado direct sales consultant colorado direct sales training colorado dirt bike riding places in colorado divide colorado dmv colorado dodge caravan colorado dodge colorado dodge dakota colorado dodge durango colorado dodge grand caravan colorado dodge ram colorado dog breeders in colorado dog sledding in colorado doggie day care boulder colorado dolores colorado domest violence lawyer colorado dora colorado douglas county colorado library douglas county colorado douglas county library colorado douglas county school district colorado douglas county schools colorado dow colorado dr horton for sale parker colorado dr james cover pueblo colorado drug bust otero county colorado dude ranch colorado dui colorado durango colorado newspaper durango colorado real estate durango colorado rv camping durango colorado dvd duplication colorado dvd production colorado eagle colorado eagle county colorado earnest money disputes colorado edward buckley colorado springs edwards colorado

berne albany county teachers berrien county michigan berrien county youth fair berrien county bert todd of brazos county texas bethany genesee county business bethany genesee county cpa bethany genesee county teachers bethel sullivan county cpa bethel township trustees miami county ohio bethlehem albany county cpa bethlehem albany county fathers bethlehem albany county teachers bethlehem collin county bexar county appraisal district bexar county appraisal bexar county clerk bexar county courthouse bexar county district clerk bexar county jail bexar county public records bexar county records bexar county sheriff bexar county tax assessor bexar county tax bexar county texas bexar county bi county ambulance bibb county alabama bibb county board of education bibb county ga bibb county georgia bibb county big flats chemung county cpa big flats chemung county teachers big rig accident citrus county bigfoot prince william county virginia bighorn county news bike riding in knox county tennessee binghamton broome county business

el paso county colorado elbert county colorado election attorney colorado election law colorado election lawyer colorado election litigation colorado elitch gardens colorado elizabeth colorado elk hunting colorado elk hunting in colorado emergency physicians colorado employee motivation colorado employee motivation program colorado endodontic dentistry colorado englewood colorado real estate englewood colorado eric lawrence colorado springs escorts castle rock colorado escorts colorado escorts in greeley colorado estes colorado estes park colorado hotels estes park colorado lodging estes park colorado excel energy colorado expungement of criminal records colorado extended stay colorado springs hotel extended stay colorado springs hotels extended stay colorado springs eyelid surgery colorado facts about colorado fairplay colorado falcon colorado falcon wing retreat colorado family camp colorado family dentistry colorado family vacation in colorado fat albert colorado blue spruce federal tort claims act and colorado fertility clinic in colorado

binghamton broome county cpa briarcliff manor westchester county cpa binghamton broome county fathers binghamton broome county gifts binghamton broome county lawyers binghamton broome county teachers bird rescue san diego county birdsall allegany county cpa birdsall allegany county fathers birdsall allegany county teachers birth dates bedford county tn birth injury brevard county birth records liberty county texas bitrth certificate shelby county tn black brook clinton county cpa black brook clinton county teachers black hawk county iowa black hawk county online black river jefferson county cpa black river jefferson county gifts black river jefferson county teachers blackberries cumberland county tennessee blackford county indiana blackhawk county bladen county nc bladen county north carolina bladen county schools blaine county idaho blair county pa blanco county texas blanket mortgage illinois county records blasdell erie county business blasdell erie county cpa blasdell erie county gifts blasdell erie county teachers bmw orange county bolivar allegany county business bolivar allegany county construction bolivar allegany county cpa bolivar allegany county fathers

film production colorado film to tape tranfers colorado film transfer colorado finance a new car colorado finance a used car colorado first bank colorado first bank of colorado flash web site experts colorado flash web site specialists colorado flash web sites colorado fleet vehicles colorado flights to panama barro colorado island floe trailer colorado florence colorado florissant colorado flu shot clinics colorado fly fishing colorado vacation fly fishing colorado fly tying table made in colorado flyfishing colorado for rent in colorado springs force pharmaceutical sales strategy colorado ford dealer in colorado ford dealers colorado ford dealers in colorado formby ford colorado fort carson colorado fort collins colorado most fort collins colorado newspaper fort collins colorado real estate fort collins colorado fort lewis college durango colorado fort morgan colorado fountain colorado fowler colorado fraser colorado free birth control in colorado springs free christian concerts in colorado frisco colorado frisco colorado lodging

bolivar allegany county gifts bolivar allegany county lawyers bolivar allegany county mothers bolivar allegany county student bolivar allegany county teachers bolton warren county business bolton warren county cpa bolton warren county gifts bombay franklin county business bombay franklin county cpa bombay franklin county gifts bombay franklin county lawyers bonner county daily bee bonner county idaho bonner county tax assessor bonner county bonneville county idaho boone county animal shelter boone county arkansas boone county fair boone county fairgrounds boone county ia boone county il boone county indiana boone county kentucky boone county ky boone county library ar boone county library boone county missouri boone county mo boone county national bank boone county recorder boone county schools boone county boonville oneida county business boonville oneida county cpa boonville oneida county fathers boonville oneida county gifts boonville oneida county lawyers boonville oneida county mothers

bolivar allegany county gifts bolivar allegany county lawyers bolivar allegany county mothers bolivar allegany county student bolivar allegany county teachers bolton warren county business bolton warren county cpa bolton warren county gifts bombay franklin county business bombay franklin county cpa bombay franklin county gifts bombay franklin county lawyers bonner county daily bee bonner county idaho bonner county tax assessor bonner county bonneville county idaho boone county animal shelter boone county arkansas boone county fair boone county fairgrounds boone county ia boone county il boone county indiana boone county kentucky boone county ky boone county library ar boone county library boone county missouri boone county mo boone county national bank boone county recorder boone county schools boone county boonville oneida county business boonville oneida county cpa boonville oneida county fathers boonville oneida county gifts boonville oneida county lawyers boonville oneida county mothers

frisco colorado vacation rentals media buying consultants colorado front axle 4by4 colorado fruita colorado fsb colorado vietnam ft collins colorado fun valley colorado funeral homes in aurora colorado furniture stores in colorado futons in colorado gail johnson denver colorado garden of the gods colorado springs garden of the gods colorado garden of the gods in colorado gardner colorado garfield county colorado lease option homes garfield county colorado garry brewer colorado gateway colorado gazette colorado springs gazette telegraph colorado springs general dentistry colorado georgetown colorado get motivated seminar colorado gilpin county colorado glamour shots denver colorado glenwood springs colorado gluten free canon city colorado gold mines in north western colorado gold mining in colorado gold prospecting colorado kimberlites gold prospecting moffat county colorado golden colorado real estate gould colorado government affairs attorney colorado government affairs colorado government affairs law colorado government affairs lawyer colorado government affairs litigation colorado granby colorado

grand junction colorado newspaper grand junction colorado newspapers grand junction colorado real estate grand junction colorado realestate grand junction colorado grand lake colorado cabins rentals grand lake colorado graphics for tv colorado great sand dunes colorado greeley colorado newspaper greeley colorado greely colorado greenwood village colorado guide to spiders of colorado gum disease colorado gum disease screening colorado gum disease treatment colorado gunnison colorado hacienda colorado hal colorado handyman colorado springs hanging lake colorado haunted places in colorado havanese colorado hayden colorado healthcare advertising colorado hearing aids colorado henderson colorado henderson tunnel colorado heritage square colorado higher education advertising colorado highest three peaks in colorado highlands ranch colorado homes highlands ranch colorado real estate highlands ranch colorado hiking colorado hiking in colorado hispanic organizations denver colorado history of sane nursing in colorado holly colorado tornado

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